Welcome to Council Toolkit

An open source toolkit that helps Councils rapidly design and build responsive websites to support digital public services.

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User Needs

Council Toolkit is developed with a sound understanding of key user needs of citizens and other council users as well as a strong set of standards.


Responsive Templates

A range of standards compliant responsive templates are ready to roll, built on a solid foundation of Bootstrap and our experience.

View the templates

With added CMS

To speed development, use our pre-rolled Umbraco instance. Or, if you have your own CMS, you can use just our front end templates.

Coming soon

Why use it?

  • It's responsive - content, context and actions for all device types have been considered from the outset.
  • It's fast - move from prototype to final release with ease.
  • It's flexible - it will provide for a degree of customisation to suit your Council's brand and CMS, although a pre-rolled Umbraco instance is provided for those who may need it.

Council Toolkit has been developed by Storm ID, one of Scotland's leading digital consultancies, inspired by our work with City of Edinburgh Council.

It is issued under the Creative Commons licence and may be used free of charge.

Council Toolkit template on a desktop Council Toolkit template on a laptop Council Toolkit template on a tablet Council Toolkit template on a phone

Case study

The Challenge

Storm ID has been working with City of Edinburgh Council to support them in the development of the ICT & Digital transformation programme. The focus has been on working in partnership to create a fit for purpose framework to deliver information and transactional digital services across all types and sizes of devices.

The Solution

Storm ID developed a closed alpha version of the City of Edinburgh Council website using analytics data to focus on meeting the needs of different users and stakeholders of CEC. The alpha site, covered in The Scotsman, was developed using an agile methodology. A beta version is currently reaching completion based on the feedback and lessons learned from the alpha.

The Results

The City of Edinburgh Council will launch the new version of edinburgh.gov.uk in Spring 2014.

Get started now

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